Sometimes the most effective method of dealing with ugly rumour is to ignore it. Often the matter can be defused by personal denial. But the sure-fire, one-hundred per cent, copper-bottomed secret weapon to use in extremis is to call in the services of the wife. You don't even have to give her the whole story. In fact you don't even have to consult her at all. I have found that one letter signed, ostensibly, by my long suffering spouse renders many false criticisms completely harmless. I - sorry She - writes to the superior of whoever has called my activities into question. I - sorry She - will have a tear in the eye and a metaphorical quiver in the voice. How can they refuse the entreaties of an honest woman? Of course they can't. One missive sent from Mrs J's e-mail and the job's a good 'un ! Usually. (But not always) is key and I thoroughly recommend the journey! The vibrancy I witnessed in Slovakia speaks eloquently of this nation's true ambitions. It may seem a far-away place, and some of the names (like the lovely Miss Bratislava, Katarina Prikazska - pictured on my trusty camera -with other Miss World contestants) may be hard to get one's tongue around, but I certainly gave it a try during down-time at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The conference was a huge success. The welcome from everyone was genuine and open-hearted. I will return to bring ideas which have now matured in Somerset to my wider world audience. The best is yet to come.
Recognise it? The architecture is a bit of a giveaway. Taunton's old workhouse looked exactly what it was. Until, that is, we at Somerset County Council took it over and softened its image with a subtle change of name. The grey and forbidding workhouse was rebranded by Somerset County Council as a "Public Assistance Institution". Suddenly it seemed like a worthwhile place of light and hope rather than the stark paupers' dumping ground which, in fact, it still was. What the heck. Image matters. Words carry power. I applaud rebranding. Such brainwaves are still happening. That is why we now call SAP a great success.