This is home to the original ideas of the former Chief Executive of Somerset County Council. Here you may read his views and glean wisdom about the difficult task of transforming municipal institutions for the public good.
Howe About it?!
(public-i's foxy chief exec....mmmm!)
I hear strange voices
Dr Martin Griffiths
My Associates love our Affiliates!
Future Communities
(my site is SO much better!)
Shy and Retiring? Moi?
Does SAP work? Click to discover!
Best Partnership? Not Somerset
(we didn't win anything at all)
Any chance of another reference?
Any chance of a reference?
A knight in shining armour
My next boss?
Klick my Koruna
The Art of Spin
Panel Beaters
Starboard or Port?
Coming Soon to Somerset
Life is a Fitch
So we deliberately ignored their advice
A new customer?
Please join my club
My Second Favourite Organ
Thanks Maam!
I deserve one!
The Hangman from my home town
Party Time!
Why do the seagulls fly upside down in Cornwall?
Which part of the anatomy should fictititious bloggers have removed upon conviction
How much can endorphins enhance your life
How much should the County Council pay to let me go?
Should the County Council pay me to go?
How much will the people of Somerset be helped by the creation of SouthWest One?
My very good friend and much maligned colleague Sue Barnes - who helped us come to such a fantastic financial arrangement with IBM and SouthWest One has just picked up a prestigious award. She earned it for hard work in the County of Buckinghamshire on similar strategic projects. I have no doubt at all that it was well earned, and I have no doubt at all that Sue will be the recipient of other awards when the success of SouthWest One is more widely recognised. Her husband, Colin, would avow to the huge effort she put in. It is extremely fortunate that Colin takes a close interest in these matters. Somerset can be proud of them both.
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