Thursday 10 July 2008

My Hero

The Prime Minister Gordon Brown may choose to liken himself to the dour and unsmiling Heathcliffe. Perhaps we all seek Solace in another identity? Mine is - as you would expect - loyal to the corporate cause. I am a committed romantic both at heart and in reality. My choice for hero, doppelganger and role model must go to the incomparable Mr D'Arcy. He, the true gentleman as well as the courageous champion. He, the model man most discerning women would rather be with and breed from. Colin Firth is popularly known as IBM -Ideal Breeding Material. The character he portrayed is strong, kind, generous and fair. In all my work it is my business to make big dreams become true. Surely this cruel world can allow me a small personal dream of my own. It would be Prejudice not to. And it is not a matter of Pride.

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